I am a 56 year old relatively fit, active male. But I started getting to the point where I was putting on extra weight, slow down and frankly just feel more lethargic. It was time for me to look for a product to help me maintain maximum fitness and maximum vitality.
Fortunately for me, I found Intenza, Herbal Ignite For Him. It looked like an interesting way to maximize energy and fitness.
To test this product I wanted to get a free testosterone level before I started taking the product and then 1 after 2 months of using the product.
I first had to do a little research to find out what is the normal testosterone level for a 56 yr old male. Of course there’s a lot of variation but it sounds like a level between a 500 to 800 ng/dl is the ideal recommended level by many doctors.
Check out this great article: https://drannacabeca.com/blogs/mens-health/what-men-need-to-know-about-healthy-testosterone-levels
To my astonishment the 1st testosterone test revealed my beginning level is 402 ng/dl. That is way low and I certainly have to do something to correct that. So I started on the product religiously taking 2 tablets a-day every morning with my normal food regimen.
While I was taking them I was able to begin my normal workout regime again and I noticed my recovery time was significantly shorter than I remember it being. Also my energy level during workout was quite high and that was certainly a welcomed surprise…
During the 2 months of taking the product I didn’t notice any odd side effects or anything, just a sense of well being.
Something else I noticed was that my weight went down, my level of flabbiness decreased significantly, and my body tone increased markedly. I am now weigh 195 lbs and I am significantly stronger than I had been.
At the end of the 2 months it was time for me to take the next testosterone test. I had no idea what to expect. The 2nd test revealed my free testosterone level went up to 464. While that is not up to the 600 level that I’m shooting for it was a very noticeable 15% gain.
So with the added energy, well being, and body tone, I have decided to continue this regime.
I have a goal of a very fit tone 185 pounds. I am 6′ tall so that would be looking somewhat Adonis like. I could certainly live with that at 56 years old!
Here is to a free testosterone level of 600 ng/dl
Note: Testosterone Level test results are available upon request.