Some moments in life seem almost perfect. For a sr. portrait photographer that often time means having the opportunity to work with a handsome young man or a charming young lady. Especially when that person really has that spark of live, that enthousiasme pour la vie. Well I had that opportunity recently and Krista is such a person.
Krista has a passion for learning and reading and she had to show that as part of her personality. So we did all kinds of fun things to try to come up with a way to capture that best. I love this shot of her reading in the sunlight on a perfect summer evening. I think that captures many of our dreams of perfect peace, leisure time, perfect Minnesota where and contentment.
Krista is also a fine musician. She excels with the clarinet so she wanted that to be a part of her portrait session because it is such a large part of who she is. We were joking that no one looks good while playing the clarinet and while it may be challenging to find the perfect pose of a person playing clarinet, I think even Krista will be surprised with what we created. But, to play it safe we tried many options of her instrument just being part of her in the shot. I think this shot is one of the best of the “Krista the musician” shots and I do not know about you but I am hearing Dixieland jazz in my mind right now.
But of all of Krista attributes, of all of her skills and abilities, I think one of the best and most important is her natural expression of joy and warmth. There is not one picture in the entire bunch where her natural joy is not just exuding from her. It is like she is a light bulb or I was thinking of little miss sunshine. I think you get the picture. Her mom told me that she always seems to be like this. I have hint, that her natural joy will be a huge asset for her throughout her life and I predict that this one attribute will open many doors for her over these next years of her adventure.
Krista, it was a pure joy working with you. Thank you for giving me the honor.