These are the first images from the Eagan Art Festival 2011.
These are hand sculptured, hand painted dolls From Joan Rydberg. These were just
amazing to me. It was like they were alive. They were so full of life and
energy. Great sculpture work Joan, These dolls stole my heart.
You can see some of the images here..
It turned out to be a rainy day when the weather forecasters said it was going to
be nice. But the action and fun was hot. Everyone was in great spirits, and the
competition for the art contest was red hot.
The entertainers were great. Starting off with the Teddy Bear Band, the kids were
hopping and dancing and having tons of fun. Then came Paula Lammers and her
cool jazz styling’s. She really was terrific with her great band made me feel
like I was in New York or someplace really happening. Then we heard from Greg
Herriges and his world influenced sounds. He was like a mix of Middle Eastern
music and classical western guitar. It has been a very long time since I have
heard a guitar player as accomplished as great. Truly great job Arts Festival
staff on pulling that great talent together.
The food was a wonderful mix that would make any pallet, even to most finicky eater
You have one more day to come out so don’t miss all the activities tomorrow Sunday
6/26/2011. See you then.
This site is my breathing in, very superb style and perfect articles .
ohhh nice info
These events are photographic fun for people watching while capturing images. I’m tired of the rain, I got caught in the rain at the Stone Arch Festival.
It was a great event. I know what you mean about the rain. It makes everything lush and green but enough already!!! 🙂
Gosh I wanted to go to the Stone Arch Festival but just did not get out for it. My huge loss. I love that part of town.
Thanks for your comments. I will have to check out your work. Be well.