Media slides past the real issue behind the oil crisis

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From the Desk of:
Douglas Mills


As difficult as it may seem, the media is getting the story
wrong in the current gas crisis. Just last Tuesday, media
outlets nationwide targeted ExxonMobil as a villain in
the current gas crisis–waving their collective fingers
at the conglomerate for raking in record profits for

However, what the media failed to report is that our
government is actually raking in far more profit from
a $3 gallon of gas than Exxon–and they aren’t assuming
any risk!

For the eye-popping, Cyberalerts report:

"World News Tonight" opened their April 26 broadcast
with anchor Elizabeth Vargas noting that "overflowing
profits for the oil industry as Americans struggle to
pay rising prices at the pump." While certainly true,
the networks largely gave a pass to socialist oil barons
like Venezuela’s Hugo Chavez and the fact that he is
using his profits to undermine the U.S. war effort.

Feeling it more appropriate to go after the quick emotional
appeal of bashing big oil and its negative impact on our
economy, they missed an opportunity to expose at least
one oil giant whose negative impact on our nation is
far more compelling!

For the complete Free Market Project story:

MRC News Report


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***Brent Bozell’s Syndicated Columns

The Political Pulitzers:

The Two-Faced Networks:


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Dating Abuse Class Urges Reliance on Peers Over Parents:


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"Grandmotherhood on Trial":

Liberal Movie Critic Bashes Anti-Castro Flick:

Terrorism in Egypt, Not In Israel?:

Soggy Profile of Anti-War Grannies Asks:
Who’d Rule Against "Santa?":

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About waynem

As a Minnesota based photographer and artist I have been greatly influenced by the Upper Midwest. I focus my skills and energies on portraits, landscapes, cityscapes, architectural and fine art work. My best work comes from images first painted in my mind. I mull over a prospective image for weeks or months, seeing it from different angles and perspectives, then finally deciding what to capture. The result is images that deeply touch people's emotions and powerfully evoke memories and dreams. My images are used commercially by companies and organizations ranging from Financial Services firms, mom and pop Ice Cream shops and The Basilica of St Mary to communicate their shared vision and values. Book and magazine publishers have featured my images on their covers. My photographs also grace and enhance the decor of many fine homes.
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6 Responses to Media slides past the real issue behind the oil crisis

  1. NotaRighty says:

    Amazing — you stand up for the oil companies. The government is controlled by your people — the conservatives, and they are the ones who have given big oil generous tax-free royalties and huge payments for their research and development. Yet you still find the fault lays with the media. Your ideology is full of contradictions and is based on, I don’t know, but it is out there, and it does not make much sense.

  2. cwv warrior says:

    A Righty here. I don’t get it. The drug companies have bigger profits than the oil companies. Profit is not necessarily a bad thing when it comes to employment, research, and an abundant society. Oh, did I say something wrong? Paychecks, people. Convenience. Progress. The oil companies’ clear profits aren’t scandalous but then American free-enterprise has long been on the Left’s hit list. Use it, abuse it, right? Ingrates.

  3. cwv warrior says:

    Sorry about the grumpy comment. I have young men emerging out of teendom with similar ungrateful attitudes so my tolerance level is shrinking. Grown-ups are supposed to accept differences in status as a part of life. Who knows, someday you might be “the evil rich guy”!

  4. Marty says:

    Forget the media and oil or big Pharma companies…how about the selection that our kids have to choose from these days….for cryin’ out loud..even cartoons are out of line these days. With Summer here, how can we keep our kids from watching innapropiate material. Should we just throuw our tv’s away. Frankly, I’m sick of it.

  5. Mark Ribado says:

    Marty –
    Aside from the V-chip and just spending days researching what channels and shows are out there – there is a new service out there on TiVo called KidZone…might be worth a look. You couold always just throw out the “tube” hah, hah – Happy 4th!

  6. Melanie says:

    Oil companies are earning way too much theses days. they are gouging our wallets and it is ridiculous. as far as bad things on tv, I have kidzone and it is great. It really helps keep our kids from watching bad things. It also gives us suggestions on what is appropriate. definantly worth checking out.

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