Red State Blue State Bumper Stickers

While I was on my vacation, I realize the power of a bumper sticker. What do I mean by that? Well let me explain. For our vacation, we drove from Minnesota to Daytona Beach Florida. While on the road I think you get to the point of being able to tell just a little bit about any person by the bumpers stickers that are on their vehicle. You can tell what they like, you can tell what they hate and certainly you can tell their political affiliation. I tend to make it a little bit of a game to get to know these people just a little bit by their bumper stickers.

I have known that Minnesota is a liberal state, but while you live in a place it is possible to get accustomed to something and not realize just odd the place is. While in Minnesota I have always seen lots of John Kerry bumper stickers and of course lots of Paul Wellstone bumper stickers and I just sort of got used to that. It just seemed normal and I assumed all states would be about the same. Boy was I wrong!

So, I was paying attention to bumper stickers. Once we were south of Wisconsin I realized that no one had John Kerry bumper stickers on their car. In the whole time we were south of Wisconsin, I only counted three Kerry stickers. I think I only saw one of the rainbow stickers and no Hate Bush stickers. I saw what seemed like billions of pro Bush stickers. Everywhere I looked I saw “W” or Bush 04.

This was really weird, my heart almost leapt. It was like I was home at where I was really supposed to be living. There were millions of people who thought like me and acted like me. Granted I didn’t really get to know everything about these people so yes I’m sure there were whackos out there on the roads also, but there was a very discernable difference in the people on the road.

Then, it was time to come home. Once we got into Wisconsin on the way home it appeared that every other car had a Kerry sticker on it. Every third one had one of the rainbows plastered on it. I was coming back to Mars or Venus or is it Jupiter… My tension level was going up and I was back to the battle ground. Maybe that is why I live in Minnesota, one conservative in the sea of liberals, fighting the good fight.

I must say, it was great to be among those that think like me. Maybe that was the best part of vacation. Now back to the battle of the bumper stickers…

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About waynem

As a Minnesota based photographer and artist I have been greatly influenced by the Upper Midwest. I focus my skills and energies on portraits, landscapes, cityscapes, architectural and fine art work. My best work comes from images first painted in my mind. I mull over a prospective image for weeks or months, seeing it from different angles and perspectives, then finally deciding what to capture. The result is images that deeply touch people's emotions and powerfully evoke memories and dreams. My images are used commercially by companies and organizations ranging from Financial Services firms, mom and pop Ice Cream shops and The Basilica of St Mary to communicate their shared vision and values. Book and magazine publishers have featured my images on their covers. My photographs also grace and enhance the decor of many fine homes.
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10 Responses to Red State Blue State Bumper Stickers

  1. cwv warrior says:

    I live in a blue state as well. Wayne, my heart goes out to ya. Have you heard about ‘Christian Exodus’? Nearly 1000 people have gathered so far, as in moved there, in South Carolina. Their goal is 2500 next year, i think. It was on ABC news, of all places but they have a website too! A google did it for me.
    So, when do we go?

  2. Wayne M says:

    If I go, it has to be somewhere clsoe to the beach. Maybe somewhere close to Myrtle Beach. Then I can get to brookgreen gardens a little more often…( lol
    Really, I am about ready to leave. Have you read Atlas Shrugged? I feel a bit like John Gault.

  3. Lefty says:

    By all means, go! If this is what you support, then get the hell out of here….
    ‘”Well on one hand I kinda favor a ‘don’t ask, don’t tell’ policy. But should homosexuals speak up, they should be deported, sanctioned, or held in jail,” said one person, discussing whether their new “country” should endorse or permit lifestyles they believe go against biblical teachings.’
    Looks like you ‘Johnny Rebs’ are basing your movement on bigotry and hatred — yet you call yourselves Christian. Huh! Bullshit, sayeth the Lord.

  4. Wayne M says:

    Thank you for your insight and wisdom Lefty.

  5. cwv warrior says:

    LOL! Anyway…on that note, I did read Atlas Shrugged way back, but I remember the gist and yet, John Gault is a great analogy of just how alone it feels sometimes. My neighbors all had their Kerry signs up…when the election was over, i turned my Bush sign inside out and wrote a nice big “THANK YOU GOD” on both sides for friend and foe alike to see. Nice thing is, we are all still on friendly terms. I just hate when they bring up Iraq! : D Right, Lefty?

  6. Wayne M says:

    And now that we are hearing more about Osama Bin Laden and his cohorts attempting to have a Hiroshima type event here in the US, should we attempt to understand the poor disenfranchised Muslims or should we hunt them down and kill them?

  7. Lefty says:

    You advocate killing people from a certain ethnic and religious background. Adolph, you live!

  8. cwv warrior says:

    Yes, Adolph lives. And his name is now Bin Laden, Zarqawi, Hussein…and they want Christians and Jews dead…not necessarily in that order. C’mon Lefty! Who’s killing who? It’s a threat to our survival. Don’t you believe them? 9-11, Madrid, Russia, London…they mean business!
    When is the last time a cute little Christian blonde from Malibu suited up in bombs? (Rick’s two cents)

  9. cwv warrior says:

    oh, I forgot to answer your question, Wayne. The latter, and the sooner the better. No more foolin’ around.

  10. Sandra says:

    Lefty is a fine example of how the left uses emotions for their arguments and not logic and facts.

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