Last Chapter of Your Life
By Warren Coe
South Suburban Evangelical Free Church
1. I am a book reader who sometimes wants to know the end of story before reading entire book. Are you this way? The story is engaging.
● Main character is interesting. Narrative surprises make you read faster.
● Impatient to know the end you peak at the last chapter.
● Ah, you know the end of the story. Does this describe you?
2. Every person in this room has a last chapter to write in their life. Each has a conclusion. What if I tell you I can predict your life’s end?
● Imagine the size of my wealth if I charged people to tell their future.
● Today I’m here to tell you that I have such power.
● I am able to accurately foresee last chapter of your life. Are you interest?
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1. Each Sunday for last four wks, we have searched for happiness by studying Psalm 1. Ps1 shows us the way of happiness. God means for his people to be happy.
● How blessed…! Our happiness is God’s serious work in this world.
● In V1 he tells us what to avoid if we want happiness—wicked, sinners, scoffers.
● V2 shows the way of Happiness is always through Bible. Happy Christians delight and meditate on God’s word.
2. Scripture is the Christian’s GPS. It shows where we are, where we are going & how to get there. Wise Christians daily check God’s GPS to know present position.
● Then V3 identified three marks of the blessed Christian. Firmly planted tree equals durability.
● Bearing fruit in season equals fruitful. They are prosperous in all they do.
● Regardless of their career or calling, a blessed Christian is durable, fruitful and prosperous.
Now at the end of Psalm 1, God writes the last chapter of each human life.
1. Look at V4. Wicked are not so. Here’s a statement of contrast. Blessed are like trees but wicked are not so. Two types of people are identified.
● Bible divides humanity into tow groups; the blessed & the wicked.
● Genesis contrasts Abel with Cain, Jacob & Esau. 1st Samuel contrasts David & Saul.
● In Psalms 1:4,5 the tragic end of the wicked is contrasted to blessed conclusion of the righteous.
2. Tragic conclusion of wicked is two-fold. 1st V4 they are like chaff, which the wind drives. What is chaff? Chaff is what remains when grain taken from wheat.
● It is the husk or refuse. Wicked are intrinsically worthless & unstable.
● The image of God is gone. They are blind to their Creator. Consequently,
● When winds of life strike, because they’re without root or weight they blow away.
3. Not only are they chaff but also cannot stand in judgment. Here is a reference to God’s final judgment when He will render his verdict upon all God-hating humanity.
● Christians will appear at right hand. His glory will shine. All will be judged. Then…
● Psalm 1:5 wicked will not stand. In fact they will bend knee to King Jesus. Phil 2:9-11
● Revelation 6:12 is a frightening scene, the sixth seal broken, people beg for mountains to hid them.
4. The end of the wicked is tragic and horrifying, lasting for eternity. The Bible expects us to think long and hard about the last chapter of the wicked. Is this your last chapter?
● Sounds like fire & brimstone preaching you say? You are right. The Bible deals with reality.
● Like a Dr. diagnosing his patient, God’s word tells us we are dying.
● God threatens all humanity; be happy or be damned for all eternity.
The last chapter for wicked is endless torment. And what about blessed
Two glorious rewards await the blessed person when the last chapter of his/her life is written.
1. 1st God will RSVP with an ASAP for his people to enter eternity.
● V5b. The Assembly of the righteous is in the presence of God. Christians will enjoy being in His presence.
● They will behold Christ face to face. Their faith will turn to sight.
● They will see his radiance, the beauty, the glory; the wonder will stretch for miles in eternity.
2. 2nd Reward is God won’t forget the blessed. V6 He knows the way of the righteous. Here is a knowledge that is living, intimate & bound by love.
● Those who make God their goal, their way is never lost or detoured. Why?
● Because God knows their way & supplies resources to reach the goal.
● Our way seems covered with mist & darkness yet the Lord knows our way.
3. Job suffered loss of property, children, even health. In the end God restored the fortunes of Job & the Lord blessed the end more than the beginning. God knew!
● Paul in 2nd Timothy 4
I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith. Now there is in store for me the crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous Judge, will award to me on that day—and not only to me, but also to all who have longed for his appearing.
● God knew his way. His eye never wandered off his man. And in
● Rev 19:7,8 Rejoice for the marriage of lamb has come, blessed are those
4.Brother & sister in Christ that day is coming. Things of earth will look strangely dim. We will have glory. Every tear will be wiped away. We will suffer, death no more.
● We will laugh. We will rejoice. We will finally be home with our father.
● What ever blessings we knew in this life will fade by comparison to glory
● And we shall know it forever. Is your future certain? Is your path clear?
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