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Saturday, February 26, 2005Michael Moran's Art
I get to take a few lines in the blog today to brag about my oldest son and give him a little bit of publisity.
Michael is now 16 and he is a bit of a blooming artist. He has created a little web page to display some of his pieces.
You can view his online art here. Michael Moran's online art display
If you want to contact Michael about any of his stuff you can email him at miketm8904 at (replace at with @)
posted @ 06:17 PM CST [link] [Karma: 3 (+/-)]
More banning of religion
It seems we have yet another case of banning expressions of religion in the public square. ( Complete story...). I'm sure if this would have been a Muslim prayer or a Wicca prayer it would have been just fine.
More legal discrimination against what made this country great.
posted by @ 09:43 AM CST [more..] [Karma: -2 (+/-)]Friday, February 25, 2005Kansas AG seeks abortion records in child rape investigation...
Volume 3, Issue 12 - February 25, 2005
The Child Protection eNewsletter
An ePublication of Survivors And Victims Empowered
Volume 3, Issue 12 - February 25, 2005
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Kansas AG seeks abortion records in child rape investigation...
Saying that “ rape is a serious crime and when a 10, 11 or 12 year old is pregnant - they have been raped under Kansas law,” Kansas Attorney General Phill Kline has subpoenaed records from two abortion providers. The investigation became public yesterday when two clinics who refused to provide the subpoenaed documents filed an appeal to the Kansas Supreme Court seeking to reverse an October ruling granting the Attorney General access to such records. Pro-life organizations have long argued that abortion providers in general, and Planned Parenthood in particular, intentionally ignore statutory rape reporting requirements. One such organization is
Jacko jury seated...
The spectacle that is the Michael Jackson child molestation trial begins in earnest with opening arguments on Monday. The New York Post proclaims “Let the Sideshow Begin” The makeup of the jury shows Jackson’s influence on the area surrounding his Neverland Ranch. One juror and two alternates have visited the ranch, and the mother-in-law of one of those backup jurors is a former Jackson employee who may testify at the trial.
In other news...
For the l ast two weeks we have asked if the incidence of female teachers having sexual relationships with adolescent boys was rising. vol3_iss10 and vol3_iss11 Now we can add stories about a custody case involving a baby conceived in a sexual relationship between a then 13-year-old boy and his 27-year-old teacher, and a 30-year-old teaching intern who was caught in the act with a 16-year-old student in her car while her toddler was strapped into his car seat in the back of the car.
A Pennsylvania State Trooper shot himself in the parking lot of a Lancaster County State Police barracks four days after a boy told police that he had been sexually abused by the trooper since he was 11 years old. This follows reports that a Western Pennsylvania police chief who recently resigned his post has subsequently admitted to having sex with a 14-year-old girl at his home and in his patrol car.
The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) reports that pregnancy is a major risk factor for murder in the U.S. In fact, among non-pregnancy complication related deaths, murder is the second leading cause of death for pregnant women after car accidents.
Another retired priest has been indicted, this time in Kentucky. The Baltimore Sun has a piece, “Bearing Silent Witness,” chronicling the experience of a victim of convicted Baltimore pedophile priest Maurice Blackwell sitting in the courtroom last week during his trial for molesting another victim.
*for access to member only sites like the New York Times, use the ID "JohnDoeID" and the password "whatever". On sites asking for an email address, feel free to use ""
Survivors And Victims Empowered 1725 Oregon Pike, Suite 106 Lancaster, PA 17601 (717) 569-0550 voice (717) 569-3039 fax |
posted @ 02:09 PM CST [link] [Karma: 10 (+/-)]
Why Terri Schiavo is pro-choice
This is one of the best commentaries I have seen on the Schiavo case. Please read and pass it on.
Posted: February 25, 2005 1:00 a.m. Eastern
© 2005
Terri Schiavo wants to live. Terri's parents want her to live. More than 100,000 signatures have been gathered on a petition from people who want Terri to live.
Who doesn't want Terri to live?
Complete Story...
posted @ 10:32 AM CST [link] [Karma: 1 (+/-)]
I started reading a new book this morning "The Question of God" by Dr. Armand M. Nicholi, Jr. and a paragpragh in the prologue caught my attention and set my mind racing with the possibilities of discussion. I had to share it with you.
Whether we realize it or not, all of us possess a worldview. A few years after birth, we all gradually formulate our philosophy of life. Most of us make one of two basic assumptions: we view the universe as a result of random events and life on this planet a matter of chance; or we assume an Intelligence beyond the universe who gives the universe order, and life meaning. Our worldview informs our personal, social, and political lives. It influences how we perceive ourselves, how we relate to others, how we adjust to adversity, and what we understand to be our purpose. Our worldview helps determine our values, our ethics, and our capacity for happiness. It helps us understand where we come from, our heritage; who we are, our identity; why we exist on this planet, our purpose; what drives us, our motivation; and where we are going, our destiny. Some historians of science such as Thomas Kuhn point out that even a scientist's worldview influences not only what he investigates but also how he interprets what he investigates. Our worldview tells more about us perhaps than any other aspect of our personal history.
When I finish up, you can bet there will be a book review. I think this one is going to be a quick read. I can't put it down. (Except to blog)
posted @ 07:12 AM CST [link] [Karma: 7 (+/-)]Thursday, February 24, 2005Liberal feeling vs. Judeo-Christian values: Part VI
Dennis Prager February 22, 2005
With the decline of the authority of Judeo-Christian values in the West, many people stopped looking to external sources of moral standards in order to decide what is right and wrong. Instead of being guided by God, the Bible and religion, great numbers -- in Western Europe, the great majority -- have looked elsewhere for moral and social guidelines.
For many millions in the twentieth century, those guidelines were provided by Marxism, Communism, Fascism or Nazism. For many millions today, those guidelines are … feelings. With the ascendancy of leftist values that has followed the decline of Judeo-Christian religion, personal feelings have supplanted universal standards. In fact, feelings are the major unifying characteristic among contemporary liberal positions.
posted by @ 12:34 PM CST [more..] [Karma: -5 (+/-)]
Study on the Book of James
This is a challenging book to be sure. It is very convicting and if it does not make you squirm a bit I would wonder about the condition of your soul.
The study is lead by Steve Budd. He is one of the adult ministry leaders at South Suburban Evangelical Free Church, In Apple Valley MN.
1: Faith Tested by Perseverance Through Trials (1:1-12) 2: Faith Tested by Blame in Temptation (1:13-18) 3: Faith Tested by Response to the Word (1:19-27) 4: Faith Tested by Reaction to Partiality (2:1-13) 5: Faith Seen by What You Do (2: 14-26) 6: Faith Seen by Production of Self Control (3: 1-18) 7: Faith Tested by Reaction to Selfish Strife (4:1-12) 8: Faith Tested by Responding to the Will of God (4:13-17) 9: Faith Tested by Reaction to injustice(5:1-11) 10: Faith Tested by Reaction to Self-Serving Oaths(5:12) 11: Faith Seen in Abilty to Pray
Thank you Steve. Keep up the good work
posted @ 11:24 AM CST [link] [Karma: 4 (+/-)]
James Lesson 7: Faith Tested by Reaction to Selfish Strife (4:1-12)
James:Tests of a Living Faith Faith Tested by Reaction to Selfish Strife (4:1-12)
Section Summary Continuing, habitual friendship with the world is grounded in human wisdom, and is evidence of unbelief. Such ungodly friendship results in personal conflict with others, with ourselves, and with God.
I. The Conflicts (1-6)
What is the source of quarrels and conflicts among you? Is not the source your pleasures that wage war in your members? You lust and do not have; so you commit murder. You are envious and cannot obtain; so you fight and quarrel. You do not have because you do not ask. You ask and do not receive, because you ask with wrong motives, so that you may spend it on your pleasures. You adulteresses, do you not know that friendship with the world is hostility toward God? Therefore whoever wishes to be a friend of the world makes himself an enemy of God. Or do you think that the Scripture speaks to no purpose: "He jealously desires the Spirit which He has made to dwell in us"? But He gives a greater grace Therefore it says, "GOD IS OPPOSED TO THE PROUD, BUT GIVES GRACE TO THE HUMBLE."
With Others (1a): James says that there are conflicts with others (“among you” means the assembly of professing believers). As in modern churches, there are unbelievers in the midst of believers, and they are not always immediately evident. Those who profess faith may not necessarily be true believers (c.f. Matthew 7:21-23). “Quarrels” are prolonged and disputing wars, while “conflicts” are specific fights and battles. It is critical that churches ensure that those in leadership are true believers, otherwise, quarrels and conflicts will result. When leaders are put in place because of their natural talents or popularity, without regard to Scriptural qualifications (1 Timothy 3:1-13, Titus 1:5-9, Acts 20:19-35), a church can expect to be rife with conflict.
With Self (1b-3): James shows that our internal conflicts are the result of:
• UNCONTROLLED DESIRES: “Your members” does not refer to church members, but to our physical bodies (the flesh). James is saying that the source of quarrels and conflicts in churches is our individual pleasures (lusts) that fight against our spirits. This war produces unquenchable internal guilt. James may appear to be overly harsh when he says, “You lust and do not have; so you commit murder”, but Jesus didn’t make a distinction between hate and murder, thus James is perfectly justified in making this statement. There is a modern example of this principle. Let’s say a woman discovers she is pregnant, and that this pregnancy, if carried to full term, will destroy all the financial and personal plans she has made for herself. She decides to have an abortion. James is literally correct; “We do not have, so we commit murder!!” • UNFULFILLED DESIRES: All conflicts (marital, family, job, national) are the result of unsatisfied personal lust and envy. That is a sweeping statement, but if you think about the root cause of every conflict throughout history, it is correct. The source of quarrels and conflicts is unfulfilled desires. • SELFISH DESIRES: “You” and “your” is used 13 times in vv. 1-3. We don’t get what we ask for because we ask with wrong motives, so that we can satisfy our selfish desires. Perhaps we could transform our lives by asking for WISDOM (c.f. 1:5).
With God (4-6): James is crystal clear with his contrast in vv. 4-6. You are either a friend of the world or a friend of God. If you are a friend of the world, you are an enemy of God. Not many would be so bold as to declare themselves enemies of God, but in showing their affections for the things of this world, they have deliberately chosen to be such. “Wishes” (boulomia) means choosing one thing or another, not just wanting it to be fulfilled. “Makes himself” indicates a conscience intent. A friend of the world chooses to be an enemy of God.!! Verse 5 is a difficult verse, apparently directed at a disregard for Scripture. MacArthur explains it as follows:
“James seems to be saying that unbelievers, who are in a permanent state of spiritual conflict with God, not only are His enemies but also reflect that hostility by not trusting or obeying His Word. They refuse to acknowledge their natural enmity with and separation from the sovereign God.” John MacArthur
One who is an enemy of God is characterized by pride. God is opposed (a military term indicating a readiness in full battle array) to the proud.
Thus we see that every quarrel and every conflict is a result of worldly desires. These worldly desires lead to conflicts with others, with self, and with God.
II. The Commandments (7-12)
Submit therefore to God Resist the devil and he will flee from you. Draw near to God and He will draw near to you Cleanse your hands, you sinners; and purify your hearts, you double-minded. Be miserable and mourn and weep; let your laughter be turned into mourning and your joy to gloom. Humble yourselves in the presence of the Lord, and He will exalt you. Do not speak against one another, brethren He who speaks against a brother or judges his brother, speaks against the law and judges the law; but if you judge the law, you are not a doer of the law but a judge of it. There is only one Lawgiver and Judge, the One who is able to save and to destroy; but who are you who judge your neighbor?
These verses contain eleven commandments. The verbs are in the aorist imperative, which means they demand a response from the hearer. There is a striking parallel to these commandments and the Beatitudes (Matthew 5:3-12). If we remember that James’ audience is professing Christians (some true believers, some not), we see that this is an evangelistic passage, much like the Beatitudes. These things that follow are characteristic of true Christians; you can’t be a Christian if these things aren’t true about you.
• Submit therefore to God – This is not obedience, but submission. Submission is a voluntary surrender of the will, which leads to obedience. Do we desire to do God’s will from the heart (Romans 6:17-18)? • Resist the devil – This is how we defeat the Devil; we aren’t to talk to him or “bind” him. We are to follow the prescribed method laid out by Paul in Ephesians 6:10-18. It is a practice that takes discipline, but one that works, whether we are fighting the world, the flesh, or the Devil. Is it our desire to stand against the works of Satan? • Draw near to God – One can only do this on God’s terms; in penitence, brokenness, and humility. Do we attempt to draw near to God with our lip service (Isaiah 29:13)? • Cleanse your hands – Do we submit to God’s divine catharsis? It is interesting that James uses the term “sinners”. He is likely addressing professing believers in particular, not the audience of true believers. • Purify your hearts – Linked to the previous command, one’s hands can only do what they are told to do by one’s heart. These two commands are Hebrew parallelisms (the same principle stated in different ways). • Be miserable – Poor in spirit, wretched and miserable in one’s sinful circumstances. • Mourn – Over sin. Does one’s sin cause one to mourn? • Weep – Outward manifestation of being miserable and mourning. • Let your laughter be turned into mourning and your joy to gloom – One’s unredeemed state is not a laughing matter. This is what true repentance looks like. (Lamentations 5:15-16) • Humble yourselves – Akin to being meek. • Do not speak against one another – This is mindless, thoughtless, careless, critical, derogatory speech directed against others, and is a violation of humility (meekness). Speaking in this way to others is caused by incorrect thinking: • …. About others (“brethren”) • …. About the Law (the expression of how to love others) • …. About God (a slanderer places himself above God) • …. About oneself (slanderers have an exaggerated view of their own importance)
Have you passed the test (not perfectly, of course)? If so, God has wrought a wonderful work of salvation in your life. If not, follow these commandments from the heart and find peace with God.
Next Lesson: James 4:13-17 Faith Tested by Responding to the Will of God
posted @ 06:08 AM CST [link] [Karma: -3 (+/-)]Wednesday, February 23, 2005Blogs for Terri
Today I fund a great blog that is helping to spread the word concerning the latest information on the Terri Schiavo case. is the most comprehensive blog I have found on the topic. If you have an activist spirit at all, bookmark this site and get to work.
posted @ 03:56 PM CST [link] [Karma: 10 (+/-)]
Book of the Day: Love and Honor
Have you ever read a book that you knew was going to be made into a movie? “Love and Honor” by Randall Wallace is one of those books.
You say you have never heard of Randall Wallace? He wrote the novel “Braveheart” and the New York Times best seller “Pearl Harbor” and more recently directed, produced and wrote the screenplay for the fantastic Vietnam drama, “We Were Soldiers”.
Are you are getting the hint this guy is one gifted artists? He is gifted as a storyteller and the stories he tells are built around characters of remarkable courage. This story is no different.
This story is set during the pre American revolutionary war era in Russia with an American mercenary Kieran Selkirk and his best friend Russian mercenary Sergie Gorlov sent on a critical mission into the frozen Russian winter. The mission instigated by the great diplomat Benjamin Franklin and known only by Kieran is to obtain the confidence of Catherine the Great Tsarina of Russia and convince her to support the cause of the fledgling Republic against the overwhelming British forces.
How do two lowly mercenaries get an opportunity to meet the Tsarina much less convinced her to take them into her confidence? Courage and Honor!
Kieran proves to be the type of man that you would hold up a personal hero and you would tell your sons about him and want them to grow up trying to be just like him.
When confronted with temptation, Kieran knew what to do and did it. When courage in the battle or other situations was required both men drew from depths of their soul and fought in the face of danger and likely death.
In their attempt to gain the Tsarina’s confidence the men managed to obtain roles of leadership in the Russian army in a battle against the Cossack rebels. With this incredible success in their campaign they are indeed given an audience with the Tsarina. But, the corruption of the Russian leaders throws the pair and their romantic interests into absolute despair.
With Kieran imprisoned and tortured and ready to be executed all looks lost.
Of course I can’t tell you the rest. You have to read it yourself. A with a few great plot twists the adrenaline keeps pumping.
This is a great read and a great lesson in character development. Mark my words this book will be a great movie.
Wayne Moran
posted @ 07:20 AM CST [link] [Karma: 6 (+/-)]Tuesday, February 22, 2005This is Valor
A friend e-mailed this picute to me today. I just had to post it. It was taken this past Veterans Day and I think it shows so clearly the pride we have in our military professionals. It also shows the degree of commitment that most of our miliarty members possess.

Thank you
posted @ 03:54 PM CST [link] [Karma: -3 (+/-)]
James Lesson 6: Faith seen by Production of Self Control (3: 1-18)
James:Tests of a Living Faith Faith Tested by Production of Self Control (3:1-18)
Section Summary The genuineness of a person’s faith will inevitably be demonstrated by his speech. The tongue only produces what it is told to produce by the heart (mind, will, emotions), where sin originates.
I. The Significance of a Controlled Tongue (1-2)
Let not many of you become teachers, my brethren, knowing that as such we will incur a stricter judgment.
Be not (ginesthe me): The negative with the imperative suggests that there was a movement on the part of “many” (polloi) to pose as teachers that had to be stopped.
James begins this section on self-control by addressing those who present themselves as teachers of God’s Word. Some commentators believe the entire chapter is addressing just teachers, and while it certainly true that teachers should exemplify self-control, it is not untrue that the principle of self-control should apply to all believers. It seems most appropriate to interpret these admonitions as directed first to teachers, then to every believer. The command is to stop becoming teachers in such large numbers (“many of you”), and is not likely referring to heretics or false teachers, but to those who tend to excessive talkativeness, reckless or thoughtless statements, frothy rhetoric, or misleading assessments. To emphasize the point that increased influence demands increased responsibility, James says that those who teach God’s Word will be held to a stricter judgement (i.e. judgement of rewards for believers, not eternal damnation). Paul writes to Timothy about such people when he says, “For some men, straying from these things, have turned aside to fruitless discussion, wanting to be teachers of the Law, even though they do not understand either what they are saying or the matters about which they make confident assertions.” (1 Timothy 1:5-7). To guard against this danger, local churches must test and validate their teachers, much like the Bereans in Acts 17:11. Not only should a teacher have the inward calling to teach God’s Word, his ministry must be validated by mature believers.
For we all stumble in many ways. If anyone does not stumble in what he says, he is a perfect man, able to bridle the whole body as well.
Stumble (ptaio): Does not necessarily suggest a fatal fall. “It denotes a failure that arrests our progress in our daily walk, but after recovery, there is continued progress along the road.” Lenski
Stumbling is extensive, as noted by the phrases “we all” and “in many ways”. James is not making excuses for stumbling in our Christian walk; we are all personally to blame for the many ways in which we stumble. He is making the point that if a man’s tongue is controlled, his body will also be under control. “Perfect” can mean either perfection or maturity, and here it is obvious that it means maturity. James says that Christian maturity is demonstrated by what comes out of our mouths.
II. The Need for a Controlled Tongue (3-6)
Now if we put the bits into the horses' mouths so that they will obey us, we direct their entire body as well. Look at the ships also, though they are so great and are driven by strong winds, are still directed by a very small rudder wherever the inclination of the pilot desires. So also the tongue is a small part of the body, and yet it boasts of great things. See how great a forest is set aflame by such a small fire! And the tongue is a fire, the very world of iniquity; the tongue is set among our members as that which defiles the entire body, and sets on fire the course of our life, and is set on fire by hell.
James illustrates the principle he has just stated in verse 2 by comparing the horse/bridle/rider and ship/rudder/pilot. The horse/ship is large, but can be controlled by very small parts (bridle/rudder) to go whatever direction the rider/pilot wishes. He then talks of the tongue being small, yet boasting great things. As we contemplate this truth, we should remember that our tongue is guiding our life. To emphasize the danger of an uncontrolled tongue, James uses another illustration; forest and fire. The words “set aflame” point to the small spark or kindling that is needed to start the fire, not the all-consuming inferno that results. The spark of an uncontrolled tongue will be used by Satan and his hosts to spread the fire of Hell. Stronger language could not be used to drive this truth home.
III. The Untameableness of the Tongue (7-8) (editor's comments: is Untameableness a word???)
For every species of beasts and birds, of reptiles and creatures of the sea, is tamed and has been tamed by the human race. But no one can tame the tongue; it is a restless evil and full of deadly poison.
In emphasizing the untameable nature of the tongue, James points out that man is able to tame every beast, but he cannot tame his tongue. Man has been given dominion over the animal kingdom (Genesis 1:28-30), but cannot gain dominion over his tongue. It is like an alcoholic police officer that can restrain drunk drivers, but cannot contain his own alcoholism. Apart from the indwelling Holy Spirit, there is no hope for a man to control his tongue. Eventually, the “restless evil and deadly poison” will reveal itself
IV. The Inconsistencies of the Tongue (9-12)
With it we bless our Lord and Father, and with it we curse men, who have been made in the likeness of God; from the same mouth come both blessing and cursing. My brethren, these things ought not to be this way. Does a fountain send out from the same opening both fresh and bitter water? Can a fig tree, my brethren, produce olives, or a vine produce figs? Nor can salt water produce fresh.
James now shows that an uncontrolled tongue is completely inconsistent for a Christian. He uses the same part to praise God that he uses to dole out personal abuse. The words that are used here indicate that James is not referring to “cussing”, but to personal verbal abuse stemming from temper. It is inconsistent for a Christian to spew such abuse, thus if one sees this in their life, they may not be a true Christian. True faith will produce self-control.
V. The Wisdom of Controlling the Tongue
Who among you is wise and understanding? Let him show by his good behavior his deeds in the gentleness of wisdom. But if you have bitter jealousy and selfish ambition in your heart, do not be arrogant and so lie against the truth. This wisdom is not that which comes down from above, but is earthly, natural, demonic. For where jealousy and selfish ambition exist, there is disorder and every evil thing. But the wisdom from above is first pure, then peaceable, gentle, reasonable, full of mercy and good fruits, unwavering, without hypocrisy. And the seed whose fruit is righteousness is sown in peace by those who make peace.
True faith expresses itself in gentleness that comes from godly wisdom. This is exactly what Paul describes as “the fruit of the Spirit” in Galatians 5:22-23. False (dead) faith expresses itself in a self-centered and arrogant way, also described by Paul in Galatians 5:19-21. James has now set forth yet another test of a living faith; production of self-control. I trust we have assessed ourselves in light of this truth and have found ourselves in Christ. If we find that we are a Christian who has stumbled, we should humble ourselves before the Lord and ask for forgiveness (1 John 1:8-10).
Next Lesson: James 4:1-12 Faith Tested by Reaction to Selfish Strife
God Bless you Steve Budd
posted @ 08:48 AM CST [link] [Karma: 8 (+/-)]Monday, February 21, 2005Catholics and Evangelicals: Similarities: Human Beings
We are on to part three of our series Roman Catholics and Evangelicals: Agreements and Differences. In this section we will discuss the similarities in the view of human beings. This is from chapter 3 in the book if you are following along. If you are not, I would like to encourage you to do so. There is a lot more content in the book that I am not covering in this online class.
The doctrine of human beings is another area where we have a great deal in common between Catholics and Protestants, but this is also an area where I believe there is a big difference between the doctrine or church teaching is and what the people actually believe about human beings and our nature. We will discuss more of that later.
Definition of Humanity Let us first of all define our terms a little bit. The term “man” has gotten a bum rap over the past few decades during the battle for political correctness and our effort to be “inclusive”. First off, in classical literature the term “man” means “humanity” which of course means men and women.
This battle is a pet peeve of mine. There is no need to neuter all the old songs of the church to remove male references and make them more politically correct. There is no reason to neuter the Bible so that it removes the male reference and includes a more “inclusive” term (Check out Mark D Robert's Series on the NEW TNIV Bible). We all know these references are inclusive. Ok, I will get off my soapbox now.
One last thought on this definition of man, man has a mind and he is different from the nature that surrounds him.
Where did Man come from? God created the first man Adam, and he was created good. This is important to consider and remember. At creation, we were inclined towards God. That was our nature. We had the ability to choose to sin but our inclination or natural tendency was towards obedience.
We also believe that all people stem from the original Adam and Eve. This actually comes from the New Testament, Acts 17:26 were Paul was arguing to the Greeks. Because Adam fell, all of human nature was corrupted.
What is our Nature? We are body and soul, physical and spirit. After our body dies, our spirit survives waiting to be reunited with our glorified body after the resurrection when Jesus comes again. We believe that the body is an important part of man with “positive value” and that the body is connected with just one soul. The body does not exist for it’s own purpose but is exists for the spiritual soul. “The soul is … the essential form of the body”. The concept of eternal life for each person requires each person to have a soul. Finally we believe that soul and body are connected at the moment of conception.
Where do we find this in Scripture? Old Testament: · In Genesis we find man was made in God’s image. God breathed life into us. Chapter two of Genesis tells us that the ”Garden of Eden” was a literal place and it was set up for us to fellowship with God and each other. · Woman was created out of man. A majority of Church Fathers believe this in a literal historical sense. · Only man and woman are made in the image of God. · The creation event was a fantastic event. · God set up Rules of conduct for his special creation. If you follow God’s rules there will be blessings. · Adam and Eve sinned and “man” was changed.
New Testament: · In the New Testament Jesus referred to the creations event implying it was an actual event. (Like he believed the Genesis account) · We see teaching of a conscious existence after death · Catholics and evangelicals agree that human beings are fallen. The exact degree of “fallenness” is debated in both Catholic circles and Protestant/Evangelical circles. In my humble opinion, I would say it is a mystery that we will see more clearly when we get to heaven. Nice copout!
Doctrine of Humanity Original Sin: Both Catholics and Evangelicals believe in the doctrine of original sin. Evangelicals just don’t know what it is called. You hear this doctrine all the time if you are raised in the Catholic Church. · Because of Adam’s first sin, we have all been corrupted. · This fall corrupted both our body and our soul. · This fall resulted in death and the “the tyranny of the devil” If you are older than 40, you know firsthand how the fall has affected your body, you just plain hurt more and are slower. Maybe you have even thought about dying once or twice. We know we are going to physically die. Our spiritual being has been changed so that our inclination is towards selfishness and sin. If you examine your heart, you know you are inclined to sin. This is true even for Christians. Like Paul says in the book of Romans, chapter 7.
14We know that the law is spiritual; but I am unspiritual, sold as a slave to sin. 15I do not understand what I do. For what I want to do I do not do, but what I hate I do.
Consequences of Sin: Not only are humans affected by the fall, but also the creation has been affected. Is is only by God’s grace that salvation can be obtained.
Humanity and God’s Created World How are we connected to the bigger universe? God create man to be on the top of the created pecking order of created beings. He did this so that we will care for and manage the other created things. These efforts to man to manage are of value.
Evolution Catholics are able to believe in evolution both micro and macro but they also must believe that the first three chapters of Genesis are true. Many Evangelicals have grave doubts about macroevolution. This whole area requires a very delicate balancing act.
So what can we conclude? I think this whole section can be summed up pretty easily by Romans 3:23 “for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God”
Additional thoughts Now that we have taken a look at what Catholic and Evangelical doctrine states about Human beings, I still have a practical note on the subject.
I talk to many people about spiritual issues. I find that many people I speak with even many in the church misunderstand the fallen nature of man. I hear the comment all the time that people think “man is basically good” which directly contradicts a Christian understanding that man is inclined towards sin and selfishness. Man is evil.
I can’t tell if this is spiritual blindness on their part of a defense mechanism to allow them to live with themselves or maybe a way to keep them from seeing their spiritual condition. It is only in seeing our wicked spiritual condition that we can come to the conclusion that we have a need for a savior.
I challenge you to listen for this kind of expression in conversations that you have with people and correct them gently on this matter. A proper understanding of Human Nature is critical.
If you have not gotten the book yet and you still want to participate in the conversation, it is not too late. Order your book today!
Next time we will be moving on to the doctrine of Christ.
posted @ 10:29 AM CST [link] [Karma: 0 (+/-)]
Treat women with care
Kim Tran from Alaska conducted surgery on her boyfriend's "manhood" after a quarrel. Complete Story...
Do you think that this woman was being treated with honor and respect?
Do you think that if these people were living in a loving married relationship this would have happened?
Why do we choose to break God's Commandments?
Answer: Sin Our nature is fallen.
posted @ 09:22 AM CST [link] [Karma: 6 (+/-)]Sunday, February 20, 2005Rejoice
"This is the day the Lord has made; we will rejoice and be glad in it." PSALMS 118:24
I remember growing up as a kid and going to church, we would say that verse over and over again.
In my young mind it sounded like we were droning through it like it was a funeral dirge, no joy, no rejoicing.
Now, when I hear this verse, my continence changes, I get a smile on my face, my shoulders lift. I say it with passion and verve.
What has changed?
I believe part if it is age, I appreciate life more now than I did as a kid. I have suffered some and witnessed others suffer greatly. This has humbled me greatly and changed my heart.
But, the most important thing that has changed is I have been given the gift of faith from God to be able to see a glimpse of what Christ did for me and you when he died on the Cross.
We are all sinners, we deserve death, but the perfect sinless Lamb of God came to take away the sins of the world. He did that for me and you!
As I consider that reality, the verse "This is the day the Lord has made; we will rejoice and be glad in it" takes on a new life and has new power. It has the power to focus my mind on a reality much bigger than myself. And that reality enables my heart to rejoice.
"This is the day the Lord has made; we will rejoice and be glad in it"
Have a blessed Lords day!
posted @ 06:02 PM CST [link] [Karma: -3 (+/-)]
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