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Friday, January 14, 2005The case for Judeo-Christian values
Better answers: The case for Judeo-Christian values By: Dennis Prager

With this first column of 2005, I inaugurate a periodic series of columns devoted to explaining and making the case for what are called Judeo-Christian values.
There is an epic battle taking place in the world over what value system humanity will embrace. There are essentially three competitors: European secularism, American Judeo-Christianity and Islam. I have described this battle in previous columns.
Now, it is time to make the case for Judeo-Christian, specifically biblical, values. I believe they are the finest set of values to guide the lives of both individuals and societies. Unfortunately, they are rarely rationally explained -- even among Jewish and Christian believers, let alone to nonbelievers and members of other faiths.
So this is the beginning of an admittedly ambitious project. Vast numbers of people are profoundly disoriented as to what is good and what is bad. Just to give one example: Take the moral confusion over the comparative worth of human and animal life.
The majority of American students I have asked since 1970 whether they would save their dog or a stranger have voted against the stranger.
A Tucson, Ariz., woman in late 2004 sent firefighters into her burning home telling them that her three babies were inside. The babies for whom the firemen risked their lives were the woman's three cats.
The best known animal rights organization, People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA), funded by the best educated in our society, has launched an international campaign titled "Holocaust on your plate," which equates the barbecuing of millions of chickens with the cremating of millions of Jews in the Holocaust. To PETA and its supporters, there is no difference between chicken life and human life.
Only a very morally confused age could produce so many people who do not recognize the immeasurable distance between human and animal worth. We live in that age.
We do in large measure because values based on God and the Bible have been replaced by secular values. The result was predicted by the British thinker G.K. Chesterton at the turn of the 20th century: "When people stop believing in God, they don't believe in nothing -- they believe in anything."
Yes, the moral record of Christian Europe is a mixed one -- especially vis a vis its one continuous religious minority -- Jews. And one has to be quite naive to believe that belief in God and the Bible guarantees moral clarity, let alone moral behavior.
But Chesterton was right. The collapse of Christianity in Europe led to the horrors of Nazism and Communism. And to the moral confusions of the present -- such as the moral equation of the free United States with the totalitarian Soviet Union, or of life-loving Israel with its death-loving enemies.
The oft cited charge that religion has led to more wars and evil than anything else is a widely believed lie. Secular successors to Christianity have slaughtered and enslaved more people than all religions in history (though significant elements within a non-Judeo-Christian religion, Islam, slaughter and enslave today, and if not stopped in Sudan and elsewhere could match Nazism or Communism).
In fact, it was a secular Jew, the great German Jewish poet Heinrich Heine, who understood that despite its anti-Semitism and other moral failings, Christianity in Europe prevented the wholesale slaughter of human beings that became routine with Christianity's demise. In 1834, 99 years before Hitler and the Nazis rose to power, Heine warned:
A drama will be enacted in Germany compared to which the French Revolution will seem harmless and carefree. Christianity restrained the martial ardor for a time but it did not destroy it; once the restraining talisman [the cross] is shattered, savagery will rise again. . . .
What is needed today is a rationally and morally persuasive case for embracing the values that come from the Bible. This case must be more compelling than the one made for anti-biblical values that is presented throughout the Western world's secular educational institutions and media (news media, film and television).
That is what I intend to do. Events in the news will compel columns on those events, but I do not believe that anything I can do with my life can match the importance of making the case for guiding one's life and one's society by the values of the Bible. As a Jew, by "biblical" I am referring to the Old Testament, but this should pose no problem to Christian readers, since this is the first part of their Bible as well. Indeed, as the greatest Jewish thinker, Maimonides, pointed out over 800 years ago, it is primarily Christians who have spread knowledge of the Jews' Bible to the human race.
©2004 Creators Syndicate, Inc.
Get Dennis' Fantastic Book
Have a great day!
Wayne Moran
posted @ 11:46 AM CST [link] [Karma: 7 (+/-)]
Dear Question and Answer Blogger,
Four Christians in Philadelphia, PA, are facing 47 years in prison and fines up to $90,000 each. Their crime? They were reading from the Bible and sharing the Gospel on a public sidewalk. They stood up to protect their rights—and ours—and now they are being punished for exercising those rights.
They were charged with eight crimes, including three felonies: possession of instruments of crime (a bullhorn), ethnic intimidation (saying that homosexuality is a sin), and inciting a riot (reading from the Bible some passages relating to homosexuality) despite the fact that no riot occurred.
This is an example of pro-homosexual officials using the law to silence Christians who speak the truth about homosexuality. The American Family Association Center for Law and Policy has agreed to represent the Philadelphia 4 at no cost. In addition, we are encouraging Christians nationwide to send the Philadelphia 4 a "Thank You" letter of encouragement. They need to know they are appreciated and aren’t standing alone. The letter reads:
Just a note to say thanks for taking a stand to protect your First Amendment rights—and mine.
There are, no doubt, some difficult days ahead. I will be praying for you. Your actions will encourage many, many others to take a bold stand in this battle. Click here to send your thank you letter of encouragement. We will compile the list and present it to the Philadelphia 4 in person.
Ask members in your church to go on line and sign the thank you letter. They can sign the letter by visiting, top center of the page. Pastors need to encourage every member to email the thank you letter. Put the email address in your church bulletins and newsletters.
There is so much more about this case I don’t have room to put in this letter. We have prepared a 25-minute VHS/DVD in which two AFA-CLP attorneys discuss the case in detail.
When we made the VHS/DVD available last week, so many people tried to order it that our system quit working. We have corrected that problem.
If possible, please help AFA with our expenses in representing these committed Christians. With your tax-deductible gift of $15 or more, we will send your choice of either the VHS or DVD. Watch the VHS/DVD, then share it with your Sunday School class and church. Every Christian in America should see and hear the information on this VHS/DVD. What has happened is a travesty of justice.
Click here to get your copy of The Philadelphia 4 Story.
Thanks for caring enough to get involved. Please help get the word out by forwarding this to a friend. Sincerely,
posted @ 10:42 AM CST [link] [Karma: -2 (+/-)]
Environmental Decisions Matter
Good morning, Here's a story you will not see from the mainstream media regarding the problems with the recovery from the tsunami. Millions die needlessly each year because of the ban on DDT. It appears many more will die soon because of an expected outbreak of malaria in the countries devasted by malaria. Dennis Prager brought this up almost immediately after news of the disaster. The link below provides a good analysis from If anyone has any counter information to that presented by, I'm all ears and would like to read what you have. It appears to me the mind set of those who made the decision to ban the use of DDT is much like those who used lack of scientific proof to come up with the second hand smoke theory. If you think environmental policies don't have consequences and that those making these important decisions always have the best of intentions, perhaps you will think again...unless of course you are part of the population control crowd and want to see a thinning of the ranks so to speak. So if we really want to help the poor suffering people in Indonesia, Sri Lanka etc, should we not immediately spray DDT? Decisions have consequences and environmental decisions may have tremendous consequences. Please keep that in mind the next time you hear some great environmental idea to save a bird, a mouse, or some species of fish etc...
John Murphy
posted @ 09:26 AM CST [link] [Karma: 5 (+/-)]
Elijah: Personal Holiness through Obedience
Hey team,
This is a Bible study that I wrote and lead a few years ago and I thought It was probably even more relevant today. Read the text carfully and study with great diligence. Let the Holy Spirit do His work with you. As usual goto to read all the Bible references.
Elijah Personal Holiness through Obedience 1 Kings 16 – 18
Condition of Israel Time in History (After the division of the kingdom in 930bc and before Samaria fell in 722bc.) 1. Divided Kingdom READ (1 Kings 12:20-24) • Tribe of Judah and the tribe of Benjamin to the South. • Other ten tribes of “Israel” to the North • “This is to fulfill the prophecy from 1st Kings 11:9-13 announced as punishment on the house of David for Solomon’s idolatry and breach of the covenant.”
2. We are focusing on the Northern Kingdom
3. Ahab is King/ Jezebel is his wife. READ (1 Kings 16:29-33) • Ahab was evil • Jezebel was evil. Promoted Baal worship (1 Kings 16:32-33). Killed prophets of the Lord (1 Kings 18:4, 13). Opposed Elijah (1 Kings 19:1-2) • The people were worshiping Baal
Elijah Who is he? 1. Name Means “The Lord is my God” 2. Prophet to the Northern Kingdom (Before 853 bc) Elijah’s Obedience READ (1 Kings 17:1-6)
1. “Elijah … said to Ahab … neither dew nor rain” (1 Kings 17:1) • He went Boldly • He went without hesitation • He told Ahab what the Lord said
2. “Leave… and hide in the Kerith Ravine” (1 Kings 17:2-6) “The fact that Elijah was sustained in a miraculous way apart from living among his own people demonstrated that the word of God was not dependent on the people, but the people were dependent on the word of God.” • He obeyed unquestioningly again. • Do we know the voice of the Lord in our lives? • Do we even hear the voice of the Lord telling us to go out to the Desert? • Do we obey? • The Lord sustained him… • Do we appreciate each and everyday how the Lord sustains us?
3. The Widow at Zarephath. Elijah’s Obedience allows others Faith and Obedience to grow READ (1 King 17:7-24) • He obeyed unquestioningly again. • V 12 “As surly as the Lord your god lives she replied…” Yahweh is not here god. • V 13 “Don’t be afraid” When your trust is in the Lord there is not room for fear. • Elijah speaks a promise to the woman. The flour and oil will not be used up. Do we study, know and accept the promises of our Lord? Do we take comfort in these promises? These promises are what help build our faith. • V 15 “She went away and did what Elijah had told her.” She (a non-Jew) had faith. The promise was fulfilled immediately. • V 17-18 “Did you come to remind me of my sin and kill my son?” or Why did God who promised life bring death instead? Or the age old question Why does bad happen to good people? • V19-23 “The Lord heard Elijah’s cry and the boy’s life returned to him”. Elijah’s faith moved the Lord. “This is the first instance of raising the dead recorded in Scripture. This non-Israelite widow was granted the supreme covenant blessing, the gift of life rescued from the power of death. This blessing came in the person of her son, the only hope for a widow in ancient society.” • V 24 “The word of the Lord from you mouth is truth.” Now she has complete faith in God from Elijah’s faithfulness.
The big showdown: The stark contrast between Elijah’s obedience and Ahab’s and the people’s disobedience
1. “Go and present yourself” Read (1 Kings 18:1-2) • Again God gives Elijah a difficult task. • There has been no rain for 3 years. Do you think the people would have been a little cranky? • He knew Ahab wanted to kill him. • He went anyway. • This sounds like the 80 20 rule. 20 % of the people do all the work. Or If you want something done, give it to the busy guy. In this case if you want someone to be obedient, give it to the guy that has shown himself obedient. • Again Elijah went without question…
2. The Challenge and the taunting Prophet. Read (1 Kings 18:16-29) • Elijah was willing to confront hatred. Have you ever noticed that if you speak the name of Jesus boldly in public you will experience hatred. The Lord told us that we would. (John 15:18-19) • V 17 Ahab blames Elijah for the trouble that the country is experiencing. • V 18 Elijah points out clearly why they really have trouble. “You have abandoned the Lords commands and followed the Baals”. • Are we willing to stand up boldly for God and against Idolatry? • V 21 “How long will you waver between two opinions?” What a powerful question. How long will you have a divided mind? When will you commit your life fully to the God of Creation? If the Lord is God Follow him. Are you double minded? Are you fully committed? • V 24 “The god who answers by fire – he is God”. Elijah knows “Both the Lord and Baal were said to ride the thunderstorm as their divine chariot (Ps 104:3); thunder was their voice (Ps 29: 3-9) and lightning their weapon (Ps 18:14). Elijah’s challenge is direct.” Elijah is setting up the people. He knows that God answers. He knows we will answer in this case. Do we really have this type of knowledge of the Lord? Do we have this type of faith? If not, how do we get it? • V 25 – 29 The prophets of the Baals tried to get an answer • V 26 “They called on the name of Baal from morning till noon.” There was no response. There was no sign of god like abilities yet the prophets still continued. They slashed themselves. This is a great picture of what the world does today. Frantically running after gods, trying to get an answer. They pierce all kinds of body parts. They keep crying out. Even after all of this there is no answer yet they still keep trying to do the same thing. It is very interesting how people will keep trying to get different results by using the same wrong method every time.
3. Elijah is ready to show them the power of the real God. Read (1 Kings 18:30-40) • V 30 “Come here to me” Elijah is calling the people to him as a symbol of God calling us to himself. Elijah desired to show the people, to reacquaint them with the power of the Lord. • V 36 –37 “Elijah’s Prayer” This prayer is an incredibly powerful prayer. This prayer is just as relevant today as it ever has been. Do you pray powerful prayers like this? Project: Type prayer out on a card and post it on your refriger4ator and use it in your daily life. Better yet memorize it. • V 38 God answers. With an immediate and powerful answer. God answers the prayers of the righteous. Pr 15:29 “The Lord is far from the wicked but he hears the prayer of the righteous.” • V 39 The people believed… People are so fickle. We like these people can be easily convinced by a great show of power that our God is God. But then we forget. Don’t you wish that God would show such feats of power now to convince the people that he is God? Isn’t the Resurrection of Christ a big enough feat? Remember the rich man and Lararus in Luke 16, “If they do not listen to Moses and the prophets they will not be convinced even if someone rises from the dead”. A show of power can be a great reminder to the believers but my not be an effective convincer of the lost. So, Why did God choose to have such a grand show of power in this case? • V 40 The prophets of Baal were slaughtered. In our day this death sentence sounds so horrible. Elijah sounds like such a peaceful guy. Why was it carried out? “Elijah was acting on the authority of the Lord who sent him. He carried out the sentence pronounce in the Mosaic Law for Prophets of pagan deities. (Dt 13:13-18 17:2-5)” Is the Mosaic Law still worth while in our lives today?
Group Questions 1 Do you know anyone today that obeys like Elijah? 2 Are you that type of person?
Have a great day!
The Question and Answer Blogger Wayne Moran
posted @ 05:46 AM CST [link] [Karma: -5 (+/-)]Thursday, January 13, 2005Surviving an Affair
As I ask around to friends and family, “What topics should I put on my blog”, one topic has come up that is of such critical importance that I have to tackle it right away.
The topic is "Surviving an Affair"
Can you survive an affair? Should you survive an affair? Why would you want to?
But I'm not a psychologist; I'm not a marriage counselor. Where would I go for help? I go to my trusted online marriage counselor aide. The web site . Of course on that site there is a great article “How to Survive Infidelity” .
In their article Dr Harley discusses the issues of: Coping with Infidelity, Part 1: How Do Affairs Begin? Coping with Infidelity, Part 2: How Should Affairs End? Coping with Infidelity, Part 3: Restoring the Marital Relationship. Coping with Infidelity, Part 4: Overcoming Resentment. Four Rules to Guide Marital Recovery After an Affair. What to Do with an Unfaithful Husband. What to Do with an Unfaithful Wife. Escaping the Jaws of Infidelity: How to Avoid an Affair. The Lover's Perspective on Infidelity. How Can I recover My Sexual Desire for My Husband After My Affair? Infidelity on the Internet. Can't We Just Forgive and Forget? What to Do When You (or Your Spouse) Become Pregnant with a Lover's Child.
Guys, I can't do it any better than Dr. Harley, so I am just here pointing to the best source I know. Now some of you may need to do the hard work of reading this and taking action.
Remember the adage, “Readers are Leaders”. Be a reader. Be a leader. Here are some books to read on the subject. "His Needs Her Needs" will transform your marriage even if it is already good.
Do it for your spouse. Do it for your kids. Do it for you.
Take action now....
Have a great day
posted @ 08:54 AM CST [link] [Karma: 4 (+/-)]
What Can We Believe Continued
Wayne: (Editorial comment: and all blog readers) Steve's answer is the right one. I would add that just because Jesus didn't speak on the topic of homosexuality, he certainly had much to say about holiness, obedience, etc. Holiness as taught in the whole of scripture would speak about and against immorality, i.e. homosexuality.
While it can be great effort, comparing scripture with scripture, it holds the promise of great reward and truth.
Joyfully Serving Him, Warren Coe Senior Pastor South Suburban Evangelical Free Church
posted @ 07:58 AM CST [link]
What Can We Believe???
Wayne (and fellow blog readers),
I can give you some quick answers:
First, we should remember that Jesus Christ is the fulfillment of the Old Testament, thus we should read the Old Testament with Christ in view. Reading it this way will keep us from finding "contradictions" in the New Testament.
Second, when we interpret Scripture, we should make sure we glean the timeless principles. This becomes particularly challenging when we read historical narratives such as the OT, Gospels, and Acts. People can make the Bible say just about anything if they don't interpret it as a whole, and with an accurate understanding of the context and genre.
Third, it is helpful to see the O.T. Law in 3 parts: Moral, Ceremonial, and Civil. These distinctions are very clear. Christ has fulfilled the Ceremonial Law. Because Israel is no longer a theocracy (nor is the church), the Civil Law no longer applies, although there are good principles found within. The Moral Law is timeless.
1) What Can I Eat: Dietary instructions were given to the Jews, as you note below. But in Acts 10:9-48, it was revealed to Peter (a Jew) that God no longer imposed dietary requirements. The ceremonial requirements that were originally designed to point people to Christ were no longer necessary, since He had come. Read further in Romans 14:1-18 and Colossians 2:16-17.
2) Abortion: While God's Ceremonial Law was fulfilled in Christ, His Moral Law is timeless. What part of "Thou shalt not commit murder" do people not understand? Proverbs tells us that God hates "hands that shed innocent blood", and James 4:1-2 tells us that when we don't get what we want, we kill. That's the motive for abortion. By the way, we are completely consistent when we support a government-imposed death penalty for criminals (Romans 13:1-5). We are never to take the life of another PERSONALLY, but it is indeed the role of government to do so.
We covered this quite extensively in our study on the Sermon on the Mount last quarter. (Editorial comment to Wayne, maybe you should have showed up to class more often.) Gotta run.
posted @ 07:37 AM CST [link] [Karma: 3 (+/-)]
What do we know is true??? Who Makes the Rules
A question came up on the blog the other day that I don't have a good answer for. The question is? How do you pick and choose what is important or not as far as the Bible goes? Can I eat clams or shrimp? The question goes on with references below. Leviticus 11:9-12 New International Version (NIV) Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984 by International Bible Society
9 " 'Of all the creatures living in the water of the seas and the streams, you may eat any that have fins and scales. 10 But all creatures in the seas or streams that do not have fins and scales-whether among all the swarming things or among all the other living creatures in the water-you are to detest. 11 And since you are to detest them, you must not eat their meat and you must detest their carcasses. 12 Anything living in the water that does not have fins and scales is to be detestable to you.
Women can’t wear red? Jesus never says anything about homosexuality…. Abortion isn’t covered in the New Testament…….Only in Exodus Exodus 21:22-23 (New International Version) New International Version (NIV) Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984 by International Bible Society 22 "If men who are fighting hit a pregnant woman and she gives birth prematurely [a] but there is no serious injury, the offender must be fined whatever the woman's husband demands and the court allows. 23 But if there is serious injury, you are to take life for life, ********************************************************** For me, what I understand the real question to be: What part of the law is still relevant for us today?
To answer this question I am going to invite some of my expert commentators in. I hope and pray that they will be able to answer with gentleness and respect.
The two commentators are Pastor Warren Coe, Senior pastor of South Suburban Evangelical Free Church in Apple Valley MN. And Steve Budd Chairman of Adult Ministries at South Suburban.
There comments will follow on later entries to the blog.
Have a great Day. Wayne Moran
posted @ 07:29 AM CST [link] [Karma: -7 (+/-)]Wednesday, January 12, 2005Did you Know Christian Universities are Growing in Popularity????
In a recent Wall Street Journal Opinion Journal piece "Their Idea of a University" , the topic of the growth in popularity and quality of religious colleges is explored in detail.
The piece is using the book 'God on The Quad' by Naomi Schaefer Riley to highlight the growth in enrollment, the increase in quality and the strenght of the students produces by such schools.
Ms. Riley suggests that the "missionary generation" of religious-college graduates is changing America. To be sure, their moral seriousness and their alma maters' new intellectual rigor can and will benefit society.
Submitted by John Murphy Proud parent of children at: Providence Academy
posted @ 08:23 AM CST [link] [Karma: -4 (+/-)]
The purpose of this blog is to help us discover, are we living ’The Life Worth Living’? Are we living the 'Purpose Driven Life'? Are we living with a ’Celebration Of Discipline’ that is found in the lives of people that look back on their lives and gaze with great satisfaction?
With my background between the Catholic and evangelical world, I think there can be plenty of great conversations about issues that bring us together and issues that keep us apart. I think I have been given some unusual insight into this area and frankly I love to talk about it. My overarching goal on this issue is to be like Dennis Prager and bring clarity to the discussion.
More than just discussion, I want this blog to be an educational resource. Maybe even like a little University online, a place where we read and discover and discuss. Yes, I know I have high hopes, but you never know how God may bless this work.
Happy reading
Wayne Moran The Question and Answer Blogger
posted @ 07:46 AM CST [link] [Karma: 18 (+/-)]Tuesday, January 11, 2005Great Books and Hugh Hewitt
If you are a lover of Hugh Hewitt and a lover of great books, do I have a list for you. A list of Hugh's best selling books. If you have not read these yet, they are a must read. Hugh is a master at both social and political commentary, and he does it all with a Christian perspective. His book "BLOG" is indeed a major reason for me writting this blog.
Checkout the list and get some great reading material....
Thanks Hugh!
Have a great day!
Wayne Moran
posted @ 05:13 PM CST [link] [Karma: 1 (+/-)]
US and Iraq All Set for Strike against Syria. Israel Is Braced for Hizballah Second Front
Last Sunday, January 2, US deputy secretary of state Richard Armitage performed his last major mission before stepping down in favor of Robert B. Zoellick, whom incoming secretary Condoleezza Rice has picked as her deputy. (Zoellick, currently trade representative in charge US world trade, served as deputy to secretary of state James Baker in the Reagan and Bush Sr. administrations.
This mission took Armitage to Damascus with nine American demands.
DEBKA-Net-Weekly’s Washington sources published those demands for the first time in its last week’s issue:
1. Start repealing Syria’s 40-years old emergency laws. 2. Free all political prisoners from jail. 3. Abolish media censorship. 4. Initiate democratic reform. 5. Speed up economic development 6. Cut down relations with Iran. 7. Announce publicly that the disputed Shebaa Farms at the base of Mt. Hermon are former Syrian territory. This would cut the ground from under the Lebanese terrorist Hizballah’s claim that the land is Lebanese and must be “liberated” from Israeli “occupation.”
DEBKAfile’s counter-terror sources report that the Iran-sponsored Hizballah’s attack on an Israeli convoy patrolling the disputed Shebaa Farms sector, killing an Israeli officer, on Palestinian election-day, Sunday, January 9, was addressed as much to President George W. Bush as to the new Palestinian leader Mahmoud Abbas as a foretaste of what it has in store.
From: DEBKAfile Special Military Report Updating DEBKA-Net-Weekly 188 January 11, 2005, 2:44 PM (GMT+02:00)
posted @ 11:54 AM CST [link] [Karma: 8 (+/-)]
The Answer to the “Dead Church” Syndrome
Does your church have that old dried out dead feeling? Are the relationships in your church cold and lifeless? Is your church bearing Spiritual fruit? Has it lost its life and you are considering looking for another church?
Well, don’t bother; the death of the church is not in your church alone. It is actually in most churches in America and to some degree the church universal. Granted, there are some areas of life. Take a look at the growth of the church in China, Africa and Korea.
The questions that immediately come to my mind are: So, is this a new occurrence? Can this be reversed? What can we do?
I were confronted with this discussion at my church this past weekend, and then I was introduce to a dead white guy (DWG) that had spent much of his life on the topic. Let me introduce you to this DWG and let him answer these questions for you in a much more enjoyable manor.
The gentleman is Dr. J. Edwin Orr. To read his biography, go here. Dr Orr spent much of his life studying, writing on the topic and preaching about revival.
What is meant by the term Revival? C. H. Spurgeon has a great definition for revival here.
Catholics, you need to help me out here. As a youth I do not remember hearing much at all about the concept of revival in the Catholic Church. As I do a quick search of the web I do find some interesting information on Catholic Revival. (See Catholic Revival Blog ).
Dr. Orr is a world-renowned expert on the topic. What I am going to do today is expose you to many of his best sermons on the topic. I extol you to listen to as many of these as possible! They are very encouraging and possibly life changing.
Listen to Dr. Orr's sermons: list of audio sermons
After you have listened to these you will know the answers to the questions above.
Heck, Im not going to do all your work for you, and I dont want to rob you of the joy of hearing Dr. Orr speak.
Have a great day!
Wayne Moran
posted @ 08:59 AM CST [link] [Karma: 8 (+/-)]
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