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03/23/2005: "Is Terri Schaivo an innocent human being?"
Replies: 7 Comments
It is very evident that after Terri spent two years in her “broken” state of consciousness that here husband was ready to “dispose” of her. He had grown tired of his vows of “for better or worse” and was plotting to engage the “till death do us part” clause of the contract.
Freaki said @ 03/23/2005 10:11 AM CST
Blah, Blah, Blah. Thats's all your screed is worth.
Proof said @ 03/23/2005 01:22 PM CST
Christ was crucified on the cross because he was labeled a criminal. According to his comtempories, he was no innocent human being. He was accused and convicted. Therefore, according to Wayne Moran, Christ himself should not have been afforded all the rights of an innocent human being, because clearly, he was not innocent.
So, my point is, we can not be judges of another human being, like Freaki does in his/her despicable screed. And nor can anyone judge Terri's husband, unless of course, they are willing to wash their hands of Christs crucifixion, like Pontius Pilate did.
Innocent life said @ 03/23/2005 01:34 PM CST
The trial of Jesus Christ was a sham just like the trial of Terri Schiavo looks to be a sham (I can only call it as I see it). We as individuals are supposed to judge and discern, but judge rightly. Judge based on absolute truths.
Q and A Blogger said @ 03/23/2005 02:27 PM CST
Your intellect is overwhelming. Your open-mindedness and willingness to debate is astounding. Thank you for your contribution to the conversation.
You know what? I think we need to go out to lunch and discuss this. It would make for great lunchtime conversation. It sounds like you are equally as passionate as I am, and I certainly enjoy hearing other points of view. What do you say?
Q and A Blogger said @ 03/23/2005 02:34 PM CST
You are a worthy adversary, I must say, and I know you are an approachable and open-minded person. However, it is best to keep a distance, and let the debate and issues speak for themselves. Besides, I write alot better than I speak. Thank you for the opportunity to debate.
Lunch said @ 03/23/2005 04:13 PM CST
I thank you for your honesty. You have taught me a very valuable lesson today on blogging and maybe life in general. Did you notice how the tone of the conversation changed dramatically after my little offer of truce or friendship? Well that is the tone and demeanor that I want all of my conversations to be. You showed me how important respect is even in the impersonal blog world and I thank you for that. The idea that we can clash with great passion at one moment and then go out for a hamburger the next and laugh it up helps to put a human face on the discussion and helps to remind me to respect all no matter how much we may disagree... Thank you
Q and A Blogger said @ 03/24/2005 05:34 AM CST